Writed by Chris Terrio 309077 Vote runtime 2hours, 22 M Actors Oscar Isaac average rating 7 of 10 Star Fantasy
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I can't say I'm not disapointed with this ending, to a trilogy that had a lot of potential and a legion of fans, like myself, that endured this last movies just because we love the universe it takes part of.
I do have a lot of issues with the plot, but these come across as the worst examples:
Rey starts movie showing her poor handling of the lightsaber once again, only to overpower everyone by the end of it. Must have trained for that off-screen. oh wait they put a timer on, a clock on the things they were supposed to do or the bad guys would win, so there goes the off screen training. And you know what's better than 1 lightsaber? Two. Sith lords hate that crap.
Another thing that really bothers me, the offscreen training of Leia just to horse shoe in the Leia becoming Rey's master plot, that could have been interesting but they couldn't develop it. so there you go. Somehow she pulls of the "force healing" power out of nowhere. They present it to us in such a way that we can't help to think that no one ever did that. So the hundreds of Jedi masters never even thought of this?
The MASSIVE fleet that Palpatine pulls from the work he developed in his exile, only to be challenged by a much smaller and less threatning fleet, Those ships were the bane of the rebelion/resistance. Still they go down like dominoes because the control tower was shut off, replaced by a onboard control tower in ONE OF the thousands of ships. So couldn't they just change the control from ship to ship until they could take the good guys out? Or even better, change it back to the original control tower since it was not destroyed. Finn and his crew pretty much went all in on that one, so. br>
RIP episode 7 General Hux, so much potential thrown out in favor of some comedy. RIP the Knights of Ren because they were just a fancy name.
But well Chewbacca finally got his medal.
There are moments in this film that could be better but it is entertaining throughout and ultimately leads to a good conclusion to the "Skywalker" saga. For me,it's the best film of new of Skywalker's family with the darkside finished. http://rushiroacadke.duckdns.org/sitemap.html